Wear OS 5.1 represents a new class of slow, substantial Pixel Watch updates

Wear OS Weekly

Android Central mascot Lloyd wearing a Galaxy Watch and Pixel Watch

My weekly column focuses on the state of Wear OS, from new developments and updates to the latest apps and features we want to highlight.

Google’s Wear OS 5.1 community post only scratches the surface of the new features it brings to Pixel Watches. But since I’m still waiting one week later for my Pixel Watch 3 LTE to receive the update, I’m pivoting from my planned hands-on to focus on one small but important note that you probably missed: Google is switching to quarterly Wear OS updates, and it’s probably for the best.

We knew that Wear OS 5.1 would add backend improvements like a credentials manager API and a watch-speaker option for apps so they can read out fitness instructions or sound an alarm without earbuds. And Loss of Pulse is coming soon, but that’s somewhat unrelated to 5.1.

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